Field Testing

Janelle Publications is currently seeking speech-language pathologists who are interested in participating in the standardization of the Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test-Fourth Edition (SPELT-4). Clinicians must have access to children ages 4-0 through 9-11 who are not diagnosed with a disability. Normative data needs to be collected in a face to face, one on one environment. Testing time of the SPELT-4 varies but can often be administered in as little as 20 minutes. As standardization testing progresses our data needs will change and become more specific with regards to age, race or ethnicity. The standardization sample must be representative of current US census data. Field examiners will be compensated based on the number of tests completed. Also all examiners will receive a copy of the published version of the SPELT-4. Janelle Publications will provide all of the necessary testing materials and will pick up and deliver all testing materials via FedEx. To request further information about SPELT-4 standardization testing please complete the fields below and we will contact you via email.




FOR 2025!
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