Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) is a criterion-referenced, dynamic assessment designed to determine to what degree motor speech impairment is contributing to a childs severely impaired speech production. Developed by one of the leading experts on childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) and an expert on test development, this tool is an efficient way to assess children who have significant speech impairment, especially reduced phonemic and/or phonetic inventories, vowel or prosodic errors, poor speech intelligibility, and/or little to no verbal communication. Use the DEMSS to diagnose severe speech sound disorders in children 3 and older, facilitate, confirm, or rule out a diagnosis of CAS, estimate the severity of a child's disorder and prognosis, inform treatment goals, and gain information about effective methods of cueing during treatment. For each of the 60 items on the DEMSS, the SLP provides a verbal model, asks the child for a direct imitation, and follows up with more cues and supports if the child's first attempt is incorrect. Scoring considers overall accuracy in producing the word, vowel accuracy, consistency of production, and accuracy of prosodic features of the word. The manual includes a keycode that unlocks access to the video tutorial and free unlimited DEMSS forms, downloadable online. 112 pages. Administration Time:15-25 minutes. Ages: 3 and up..

#4509 Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) - $150.00

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