The Oral Passage Understanding Scale is a measure of listening (auditory) comprehension. It evaluates a persons ability to listen to passages that are read aloud and recall information about them. This ability is key to success in the classroom, as well as in social and occupational settings. The OPUS also measures memory skills, which are integral to listening comprehension. The OPUS is a companion assessment to the CASL-2, but may be used on its own. Results will provide insight on the students ability to integrate and apply knowledge in three categories of language: lexical/semantic, syntactic, and supralinguistic. Administration Time: 10-20 minutes. Ages: 5 to 21 years.

#4503 Oral Passage Understanding Scale (OPUS) Complete Kit - $402.00
Contents: 10 Forms, Easel, Manual. Includes access to OPUS online scoring and reporting system.

#4504 OPUS Forms (10) - $61.00

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