Building on the strong theory and research underpinning the original OWLS, the Second Edition of this highly regarded test offers an integrated, global approach to language assessment. The OWLS-II adds a Reading Comprehension Scale, updated norms, new items, a parallel form, improved scoring guidelines, and full-color stimulus materials. Moreover, a helpful new handbook, Foundations of Language Assessment, explains the theory upon which the OWLS-II is based, making it easier to understand the test and interpret results.
Measuring four language processes?separately and in relation to one another?this Second Edition gives you the most complete, accurate, and useful picture of language skills currently available.
New in the OWLS-II
Reading Comprehension Scale
Updated Norms?With All Scales Standardized on the Same Population
Parallel Forms for Retesting
New Items Measuring Language Used in the Classroom
New Items Reflecting Curricular Standards and Grade-Level Language Goals
Improved Scoring Instructions for the WE Scale
Full-Color, Updated Stimulus Materials
Alternative Correct Responses For Students who Speak African-American English
Expanded Interpretive Guidelines
Notations Indicating the Linguistic Forms Measured by Each Item
#4493 OWLS-II Comprehensive Hand-Scored Kit - $1,270.00
Contents: Covers all 4 scales. Includes LC/OE Kit (W-603) and RC/WE Kit (W-604), with a single copy of Foundations of Language Assessment and 10 Profile Forms (W-602P).
#4494 OWLS-II Comprehensive Software Kit - $1,814.00
Contents: Covers all 4 scales. Includes all components listed above (W-602) plus Unlimited-Use Computer Scoring CD (W-602U).
#4495 OWLS-II LC/OE Record form-Form A (Pkg. of 25) - $113.00
#4496 OWLS-II RC/WE Record form-Form A (Pkg. of 25) - $113.00
#4497 OWLS-II WE Response Booklet-Form A (Pkg. of 25) - $70.00