The SPAT-D II Analysis Software has colorful, user-friendly screens that allow for the input of the child's responses to the word and sentence portions of the SPAT-D II. The software analyzes the responses and displays the color-coded results on the screen. Response data can be printed out and stored in the database for future reference if desired.
Age in years, months and days
Consonant Inventory of the initial, medial and final position within words
Word Shapes
Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC) and Percentage of Consonants
Correct-Revised (PCC-R)
Raw Score
Standard Score, Percentile Rank and Confidence Interval based on age and gender
Percentage of Occurrence of the Phonological Processes: Initial Consonant Deletion, Final Consonant Deletion, Velar Fronting, Palatal Fronting, Stopping, Stridency Deletion, Gliding of Liquids and Cluster Reduction
#0702 SPAT-D II Analysis Software - $75.00
Minimum Hardware Requirements: Microsoft Windows 95 through Windows 7, Not Compatible with Windows 8.
#0704 SPAT-D II Analysis Software - 2 or more copies - $50.00 each